I'm going to post
occasionally here about friends of Y2Knit: people we know who are sharing knitting and crocheting with others in some way.
Frankie Yourgulez-Buhrer, who lives near Funkstown in Smithsburg, MD, is one of the most generous people I know. She often comes into the shop to help fold patterns and price yarn. When I was contacted by Kathy Fisher at the Washington County Commission on Aging who was looking for someone to teach knitting and/or crocheting to seniors, Frankie volunteered. I knew she'd be perfect as she has a deep respect for "elders", as she calls them.
Frankie has been going to the Potomac Towers Senior Site in Hagerstown for a few months now. She took pictures the other day and I was amazed at the projects. She has taught knitting, crochet and cro-hook. She's obviously a good teacher!