We have a marvelous new yarn, Adagio from Skacel. This 70% baby alpaca and 30% silk is so soft. It's a dream to knit with and the colors are great too. The silk adds the lovely sheen. Colors are, from left to right, black, light gray/cream, magenta, turquoise, teal, gold/camel, red, coffee. It's fun to think about which two colors would work together in this scarf.
I'm knitting a reversible scarf. On one side it's horizontal stripes, the other is vertical. Very easy and effective with the two teal colors.
100% spoiled cat, Abigail always wants to be in the middle of whatever is going on. On Saturday, while Sandy, Rachel and I sat knitting, she climbed into a basket that is too small for her but she turned and turned until she had corkscrewed herself into it. Of course, we admired her, so the results were worth her effort.