It was wonderful to have a pleasant holiday weekend. I enjoyed sitting outside and moving some of my knitting projects along after spending several hours working in the garden. We had so much rain the last week , that there was plenty of clean up. The low hanging branches of the tree were making me feel claustrophobic, so I got up on the ladder and sawed off some of them.

Universal Yarns has a lovely cotton/linen blend, Summer Linen that I am working up in the
Eastern Lace. Stop by and finger it--it's lovely! I like working this pattern as every row is different over a 26 row pattern repeat, but it's not that hard to follow and keeps me engaged. I have other knitting that is not as interesting and I am les s likely to pick it up.

I'm also knitting Jill's design,
Lattice Lace. WHAT A FUN KNIT! I love it when a pattern is so enjoyable I can hardly sleep for wanting to pick it up and work it. This is a great wrap that is easy to wear and, as I've said, fun to knit.
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