If you are a mother, I hope your day is great and that you are properly celebrated. I live in the same city as my mother, so I will shortly run across town (4 miles) to get her for our MD celebration. Our family celebrates everything with meals (including just being able to eat three of them every day!) so we will eat fresh dungeness crab and artichokes from the farmer's market. I was taking and giving workshops yesterday so after I picked up the crab I had Mitch drop me at the farmer's market and I ran (literally) to the stand with the artichokes, purchased 6 and ran back to be picked up when he came around the block. He arrived just as I did. No time for any of my usual shopping.

I made a lovely pear upside down cake (from scratch). Unfortunately, I dropped it so it isn't much to look at!
I have been knitting a gift for Mom all week. It isn't much and I've felt kind of guilty because I have so much other knitting I need to do, but it was a gift I had committed to myself to make for her so I didn't want to put it off any longer (I thought I would do it for Christmas). I will post pictures after she opens her gift.

morning I woke up earlier than usual for a Sunday and got in a half hour or 45 minutes of knitting on the project I put aside to do the gift knitting. This is a pattern we hope to release soon, and although I thought it was nearly finished, I didn't like how the shaping was going so I ripped back to the armholes and have redone one of the fronts and am now going on the back. I'm dying to get to the sleeves!
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