Because winter is here and I want it to be spring, I decided to do some spring cleaning in the shop. Things were a bit fusty and I needed to make some changes. Getting back from TNNA seemed like the ideal time as I had to rehang the samples and having been away for a few days, I was able to look with a fresh eye. The results are fabulous, the energy is renewed and I'm getting great feedback from customers. Thanks to Sandy Linthicum, who came in to help fold patterns and ended up spending the day helping me with my cleaning/rearranging.
Above - novelties moved to the corner, and the space previously occupied by novelties is now handpaints, my favorites. Garments hang in the stairway where the handpants previously hung.

I love this view of the baskets of yarn by the window. I can see it from the front counter. It's satisfying and peaceful.
Novelties are now concentrated in the corner. All the little girls love this corner and beg their moms/grandmoms for sequin yarns.

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