It is cold in SF. It was 41 degrees when we got to the Farmer's Market Saturday morning and for us, that's cold. So the good thing is that I get to wear my bright green wool jacket and the fabulous Missoni-ish scarf my friend Nancy gave me whenever it gets cold, but really, we just aren't equipped for it.
I practically ran through the market to get my produce out in the back (avocados, lettuce--lots of things available, that was just all I needed) where it is really cold with the wind off the bay. I struggle into the Ferry Building to get Mitch who is in charge of bread and cheese (only needed bread this week) then to the front to get fruit. The folks at the orange stand come from the central valley and they looked sooooooooooo cold. They are always there and I truly appreciate all the vendors who come for hours (I complain about my 30 minutes!). Then off to get apples. Mitch and I had to do a little juggling to split the load, but then we're ready to head back to the car.
Standing waiting to cross the street, huddled into my jacket and giving Mitch one of my regular rants about why can't people stay to the right so it is easier to negotiate passage. I know that someone has come up to my left, but I'm on a roll and don't stop. So when the person leaned in to say something to me I was afraid she was going to tell me I was a lunatic (possible?). She said "I hope (that's when I got nervous) you are an artist or a designer. Those colors are so wonderful together!" I replied, "Thanks! I am!"
I forgot that I was miffed at Mitch for bailing out on the remainder of the errands when I remembered how great I looked. Thanks!
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